Mar 3, 2025

Real Estate Appointments: Using Data to Prioritize Agent Safety

Real estate agents often face security risks when meeting new clients. ShowSafe™ by provides a proactive safety solution, offering real-time risk scores, client verification, and crime data analysis to help agents make safer decisions before appointments.

In the dynamic world of real estate, meeting new clients andvisiting various properties is all in a day's work. However, these interactionsaren't without their risks, especially for female agents. Ensuring safetyduring appointments is crucial for both agents and the companies theyrepresent. Instant assessment of appointment risk is now available with ShowSafe™by —a cutting-edge, API-accessible risk-scoring solution designed toenhance safety protocols through comprehensive, data-driven risk analysis.

ShowSafe™ offers real estate professionals robust featuresthat prioritize safety:

  1. Client     Verification: This feature confirms the identity of individuals requesting     appointments and verifies their association with the property. By matching     names on deeds and checking phone numbers against official records, agents     can be more confident about the people they're meeting.
  2. Property     Validation: ShowSafe™ ensures that property addresses are valid,     correctly zoned, and occupied as claimed. It also checks if the address     corresponds to an existing structure, preventing agents from visiting     potentially unsafe vacant lots.
  3. Safety     Assessment: With crime statistics analysis, agents gain valuable     insights into the safety of a property's location, allowing them to make     informed decisions about appointments.
  4. Risk     Scoring and Recommendations: By aggregating data, ShowSafe™ assigns a     risk score to each appointment. This score guides agents on precautionary     measures, such as requesting additional client validation or suggesting     that an agent brings a colleague along.

Benefits to Real Estate Professionals and Companies:

  • Enhanced     Agent Safety: With pre-appointment risk assessments, agents can     take proactive steps to protect themselves.
  • Risk     Management for Companies: ShowSafe™ helps real estate firms     reduce liability and promote a safety-first culture, fulfilling their duty     to protect agents.
  • Attracting     Female Agents: A commitment to safety can make a company more     appealing to female agents, addressing their specific security concerns.

The National Association of REALTORS® 2021 Member SafetyReport highlights the urgency of this issue. It found that 14% of REALTORS®encountered situations threatening their personal safety, and 41% felt unsafeduring showings. Moreover, 32% felt unsafe meeting new clients at secludedproperties.

Integrating ShowSafe™ into real estate operations is aproactive step towards creating a safer working environment. By leveraging thisdata-driven approach, companies can enhance their reputation, attract toptalent, and, most importantly, protect their agents. For real estateprofessionals, ShowSafe™ isn't just a tool—it's peace of mind.